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1. 全卷分试题卷和答题纸两部分,试题卷12页,答题纸2页,有四部分考查内容,满分为150分,考试时间为120分钟。

2. 本卷答案必须做在答题纸的相应位置上,做在试题卷上无效。

3. 请用黑墨水签字笔将考生个人相关信息填写在答题纸的相应位置上。

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




1. What did the man do this morning?

A. He went for a run.

B. He joined a gym.

C. He did some work.

2. Why does the man need a map?

A. To tour Manchester.

B. To find a restaurant.

C. To learn about China.

3. What is the most important thing for the team to win?

A. They worked very hard.

B. They believed in themselves.

C. They encouraged each other.

4. Where did the man learn about Ieoh Ming Pei?

A. From a museum guide.

B. From a university course.

C. From a video series.

5. What will the speakers build?

A. A new wall.

B. A playground.

C. A garden.




6. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a hospital.

B. In a manager’s office.

C. In a school.

7. What day is it today?

A. Monday.

B. Wednesday.

C. Friday.


8. What is the woman probably doing?

A. Reading a newspaper.

B. Writing a report.

C. Watching TV.

9. What could the new satellite be used for?

A. Doing an ocean survey.

B. Providing pictures of affected areas.

C. Reducing the number of earthquakes.


10. When will the concert begin?

A. At 7:45pm.

B. At 8:00 pm.

C. At 8:15pm.

11. What is the conductor’s nationality?

A. French.

B. Austrian.

C. Italian.

12. Where did the speakers hear the second piece before?

A. In a film.

B. In Disneyland.

C. Over the radio.

听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。

13. What kind of work did Mr. Gehry use to do probably?

A. An animal carer.

B. A TV host.

C. A software engineer.

14. What was the biggest problem for Mr. Gehry in setting up Warm Nest?

A. Getting a permit.

B. Raising enough money.

C. Forming a supportive team.

15. How many volunteers were there in Warm Nest five years ago?

A. Around one hundred.

B. Around fifty.

C. Around ten.

16. What is the daily focus of Warm Nest?

A. Caring for large animals.

B. Providing training for pet owners.

C. Offering treatment to small animals.


17. How does the speaker feel about new technology?

A. Hopeful.

B. Confused.

C. Worried.

18. When did the speaker start to use a mobile phone?

A. At six years old.

B. At nine years old.

C. At fifteen years old.

19. What is the first industry the speaker would like to change?

A. Global education.

B. Traveling.

C. Film and music.

20. What would the speaker try to do in the future?

A. Improve food quality.

B. Explore new environments.

C. Lower prices of technology products.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)




Win a seven-night walking holiday for two people along

The Algarve Coast

WORTH €2,910

Appreciating that the world is more beautiful on foot, Ramble Worldwide has been organizing expertly planned group guided holidays and unforgettable adventures along the world’s most unique footpaths for over 75years.

In the company of a knowledgeable walk leader, enjoy the area’s Portuguese charm with walks to one of the world’s most beautiful beaches and explore the pretty coastal villages.

The prize, which is for two adults, includes flights from Gatwick to Faro, 7 nights’ half-board accommodation based on two sharing, with breakfasts at the hotel and dinners in local restaurants, transport and the service of a walk leader.

Simply Answer the Following Question

Question: How long has Ramble Worldwide been organizing group guided holidays?

A. Over 75years.

B. Over 30 years.

C. Over 20 years.

Then click here and put your chosen answer A, B or C on the entry form.


·The holiday will begin on either 17th March, 14th April, 19th May, 6th October, 3rd November or 24th November 2024.

·Travel insurance is not included.


·The competition is only open to residents of the UK, aged 18 or over.

·Only one entry per person.

·The winning entry will be chosen at random (随机) and the winner will be informed by email or post.

21. Which of the following services can a winner get in the walking holiday?

A. A single room.

B. Professional guidance.

C. A round trip air ticket.

D. Three free meals a day.

22. What can we learn about the prize?

A. It covers travel insurance for the winner.

B. There are six set-off dates to choose from.

C. Those who answer the given question will win it.

D. Both children and adults are allowed to participate.

23. Where is the text probably taken from?

A. In a travel brochure.

B. In a tourism poster.

C. On a travel agency website.

D. In a travel magazine.


Humans have been growing food for about 12,000 years, but 50 years ago a civil engineer named Mel Bartholomew figured out a new way to do it that couldeliminatea lot of tiring weeding (除草) and watering that went with it. He called it the Square Foot Garden(SFG), and the book he wrote about it sold over 2.5million copies, becoming the best-selling gardening book of all time.

Upon his retirement in 1975, Bartholomew became interested in gardening, but the more he got into it, the more inefficient he found it to be. Gardening had long been practiced in rows, which Bartholemew found to be wasteful, and difficult to work. Using his engineering know-how, Bartholomew came up with a method of gardening that could be practiced in a tiny backyard or rooftop, and which required only 10 percent of the water of a row garden.

Bartholemew’s view was that traditional gardening with its long rows in between wasted space, water, fertilizer (化肥) and work. In fact, his conclusion was that row gardens took up about 80 percent more space than needed. In order to maximize space, he began using raised beds, divided into a number of 12×12 inch squares, each square marked off with string or wood dividers. Each square was used for a specific vegetable and the plants were closely packed to make less space for weeds, which also accounted for its water and resource efficiency (效率).

The SFG system is popular and reliable, but it has limitations. For instance, it can be expensive to set up, although using recyclable materials to build beds can help. In addition, it doesn’t work well in dry climates because raised beds dry out more quickly. But whatever its limitations, SFG has gotten millions of people growing their own food who might otherwise have never known the joy of gardening.

24. What does the underlined word “eliminate” in paragraph 1 mean?

A. Remove.

B. Cause.

C. Replace.

D. Control.

25. What kind of person was Mel Bartholomew?

A. Careful and patient.

B. Friendly and outgoing.

C. Creative and resourceful.

D. Responsible and helpful.

26. Which of the following best describes the advantage of SFG?

A. It helps save space.

B. It uses less energy.

C. It benefits the environment.

D. It works in different climates.

27. What is the text mainly about?

A. A bestselling book on gardening.

B. The history of traditional gardening.

C. A gardening method invented by an engineer.

D. The great joy brought by the Square Foot Garden.


If we are to believe some of the upsetting headlines about Al, barely anyone’s job is safe. 32% of UK employees think AI could make their roles unnecessary, according to a research in 2023. Yet the same research found that 28% of workers believe AI could make their jobs easier. Meanwhile, many technologists claim that GenAI tools such as ChatGPT are more likely to help workers than replace them.

And so different industries are exploring it. International law firm Cleary Gottliebfor, for instance, uses GenAI to scan its databases and create a summary of its lawyers’ relevant experience before meetings with a new client (客户). However, the firm says that the document produced by the AI won’t be ready to send immediately.

However, without carefully assessing (评估) its possible side effects beforehand, companies that adopt (采用) a new AI tool risk distancing employees or even making their lives more difficult. Firms should therefore identify whether the tech they’re interested in is likely to be a net benefit or not, according to Peter, assistant professor of AI at Leiden University. Actually, there are several other disadvantages that firms seeking to adopt it must avoid. In a banking conference, for instance, 15CIOs had all been keen to realize the huge productivity gains promised by GenAI. Three months later, these IT chiefs “hit a wall” when trust issues concerning data privacy and security arose. They were worried that the data they had been putting into the tools would make its way into their competitors’ banks.

Dylan Morley, lead principal engineer at Asos, reports that measuring the impact of such tools is a topic of “great discussion” across the industry. But he adds that this is a more complex matter than simply adopting a tool and waiting for, say, a 10% efficiency gain. She argues that firms could be focusing on areas such as managing time spent in meetings, other than adopting AI tools if improving efficiency is indeed their main goal.

28. Why does the author list numbers in paragraph 1?

A. To explain the upsetting fact about AI.

B. To introduce technologists’ views on AI.

C. To prove the value of the research on AI.

D. To show different people’s ideas about AI.

29. What can we learn from the example of Cleary Gottliebfor?

A. The law firm lacks confidence in AI.

B. The Al can’t summarize lawyers’ experience.

C. The document produced by AI is of poor quality.

D. Further steps are needed before the document is used.

30. What does paragraph 3 focus on?

A. The potential risks of AI.

B. The way to assess Al’s effects.

C. The ongoing application of AI.

D. The difficulties employees face.

31. What can we infer from Dylan Morley’s opinion?

A. Firms should not use AI tools.

B. AI is not the only way to gain efficiency.

C. AI is a more complex tool than we think.

D. It’s necessary to measure the impact of AI.


People greet each other in various ways, such as saying “hello” in different languages or through physical actions like shaking hands, giving hugs, or exchanging kisses. Similarly, elephants have various greetings, as revealed by a recent study conducted on African elephants in Zimbabwe’s Jafuta Reserve. “Female elephants of different family groups might have strong social bonds (纽带) with each other, forming what we call bond groups,” said Vesta Eleuteri of the University of Vienna, the lead writer of the study. “Earlier studies in the wild have reported that when these groups meet, the elephants perform special greetings to announce and strengthen their social bonds.”

The study identified around 20 specific movements related with elephant greetings, often accompanied by different sounds as well. Smell also plays a crucial role in greetings, with elephants exhibiting behaviors like emitting (排放) body waste. Besides, elephants make gestures (动作) meant to be seen, such as spreading their ears or displaying their behinds, and employ touching gestures involving touching other elephants. They actually show an understanding of what other elephants can see, using visual gestures when their partner is looking and touching gestures when they are not.

Similar greeting behavior has been observed in various animals, which helps manage social situations by reducing tension or confirming social bonds. The study observed both female and male elephants in the reserve, with female greetings closely matching those of wild elephants, while male greetings appeared different. Wild male elephants often don’t form close connections with others but use their noses to touch the heads of other elephants, giving off a chemical called temporin containing important information.

Elephant greetings play an important part in communication and social bonding among these intelligent creatures. Through their gestures, sounds, and smells, elephants deliver important. information about their identity, physical state, and emotional well-being.

32. What do we know about elephant greetings from paragraph 1?

A. They are performed mainly by male elephants.

B. They are used to show power within the group.

C. They include physical actions similar to humans’.

D. They strengthen social bonds between family groups.

33. How do elephants show awareness of what others see?

A. They produce different smells.

B. They make as many gestures as possible.

C. They make use of sounds to draw attention.

D. They employ visual or touching gestures accordingly.

34. What methods were adopted in the recent study on elephants?

A. Interview s and surveys.

B. Observation and comparison.

C. Model design and creation.

D. Experiments and data collection.

35. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A. Secret in Elephant Behaviors

B. Science Behind Elephant Sounds

C. Exploration of Elephant Greetings

D. New Light on Elephant Movements



Mother’s Day is an occasion to celebrate mothers. ____36____ Based on my research and those of other psychologists, here are some tips for celebrating moms on Mother’s Day, and every day, to enhance (增强) well-being for both moms and their loved ones.

____37____ Psychology research suggests that Mother’s Day cards have it right — building a mother’s confidence by telling them that they’re amazing or that they always know how to make the family feel better can be greatly effective in enhancing moms’ happiness. ____38____ Compared to fathers, mothers generally report feeling more emotionally connected to their kids and more strongly identifying as a parent. A phone call with their kids can really improve a mom’s well-being.

The benefits of celebrating moms also reach their kids. ____39____ For example, my research has found that moms who are less stressed are seen by their adolescent kids as being better at understanding the kids’ ideas. When mothers feel positive, they have better communication with their kids and their kids feel better. That means it’s important to send appreciation mom’s way every day, not just on Mother’s Day.

Mothers are the main source of comfort and care for families around the world, yet it’s easy to take them for granted (想当然认为) most days across the year. ____40____ Helping moms feel happy will help the family feel happy, too.

A. So what can families do to enhance moms’ happiness?

B. Stress can also impact how attentive moms are to their family.

C. However, we don’t often hear about the benefits of celebrating moms.

D. Positive parents enhance children’s men tal well-being and social bonds.

E. Moms play an important role in shaping our identities and guiding our life.

F. While flowers on Mother’s Day are appreciated, let’s celebrate moms every day.

G. If you’re an adult living far away from your parents, don’t forget to call your mom.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)



Rachel Beckwith was a 9-year-old girl from America. She had a special birthday ____41____. Instead of asking for presents, she dreamed of ____42____ $300 for “Charity: Water,” a group that helps bring clean water to people in developing countries. Rachel ____43____ to collect $220 from her family and friends, but she fell a bit short of her ____44____. She made a(an) ____45____ to her mom that she would try again next year.

Unfortunately, on July 20, 2011, Rachel was ____46____ in a car accident with her mom and sister. ____47____ her family only suffered minor injuries, Rachel was badly hurt and was ____48____ to the hospital. Three days later, her family had to make the ____49____ decision to take her off life support.

After Rachel’s passing, news of her birthday wish _____50_____ worldwide. People started donating to “Charity: Water” in her _____51_____, and the contributions poured in. Rachel’s heart was donated to a man in California, who also supported her _____52_____.

By the end of Rachel’s birthday campaign (活动) in September, more than $1.26 million had been gifted to clean water projects. To _____53_____ Rachel’s legacy (遗产), her family started a nonprofit called Rachel’s Wishing Well Foundation, _____54_____ to spreading awareness about giving and helping others.

Anyone can make a big _____55_____, no matter how small the contribution.

41. A. party

B. gift

C. wish

D. surprise

42. A. borrowing

B. raising

C. having

D. earning

43. A. managed

B. planned

C. decided

D. needed

44. A. chances

B. resources

C. experience

D. goal

45. A. suggestion

B. request

C. apology

D. promise

46. A. caught

B. frightened

C. seen

D. included

47. A. While

B. After

C. Once

D. Since

48. A. guided

B. moved

C. rushed

D. introduced

49. A. quick

B. tough

C. wise

D. correct

50. A. unfolded

B. came

C. spread

D. appeared

51. A. interest

B. favor

C. power

D. honor

52. A. approach

B. cause

C. opinion

D. experiment

53. A. continue

B. protect

C. get

D. keep

54. A. addicted

B. limited

C. used

D. devoted

55. A. change

B. mark

C. difference

D. leap



In recent years, Generation Z ____56____ (leave) for the countryside. This is due to a ____57____ (prefer) for experiences over things and a desire for a sustainable (可持续的) lifestyle. Many young people are seeking a ____58____ (slow) pace of life and a closer connect ion with nature by moving to rural areas.

For Gen Z, living in the country has several benefits. Firstly, it provides a relaxed pace, a relief from city stress, especially for those with anxiety. Secondly, there is greater access ____59____ nature and outdoor ____60____ (activity) such as hiking, camping and fishing, which promote physical health and a deeper connection with the environment. ____61____ (addition), the lower cost of living and less job market competition are attractive to those ____62____ (begin) their careers. These factors contribute to a lifestyle that matches Gen Z’s values of sustainability and health.

Technology plays a key role in making rural living possible for Gen Z. With off-site work getting more popular, young adults can work from anywhere with a reliable internet connection. Plus, social media makes ____63____ easier for people to show their rural lifestyles and connect with others ____64____ have similar interests, promoting a sense of belonging and encouraging them _____65_____ (explore) rural beauty.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)



66. 旅行提供了广泛的体验,从参观历史遗址到品尝当地美食。(range, historical) (汉译英)


67. 老师用了一系列例子来阐明这条语法规则,增强了我们的理解。(series, illustrate)(汉译英)


68. 运动员保持最佳状态的方法包括均衡饮食、规律锻炼及充足休息。(approach,maintain)(汉译英)


69. 这所大学为那些成绩优异并为社区作出贡献的学生授予奖学金。(award,scholarship)(汉译英)


70. 这家商店在春节期间提供折扣以吸引更多顾客。(discount, so as to)(汉译英)



今年10月10日是世界视力日(World Sight Day),你校将举办英语征文比赛,请你写一篇短文投稿。内容包括:

1. 视力的重要性;

2. 保护视力的倡议。


1. 写作词数应为80左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。

Clear Sight, Bright Future


in summer ...




1-5ABBCB 6-10CAABB 11-15 CACBC 16-20 CABAC



【答案】21. B 22. B 23. C




细节理解题。根据第三段“The prize, which is for two adults, includes flights from Gatwick to Faro, 7 nights’ half-board accommodation based on two sharing, with breakfasts at the hotel and dinners in local restaurants, transport and the service of a walk leader. (该奖项面向两名成年人,包括从盖特威克到法罗的航班、基于两人共享的7晚半食宿、酒店早餐和当地餐馆晚餐、交通和徒步领队服务。)”可知,在徒步旅行中,获胜者可以获得徒步领队的专业指导。故选B项。


细节理解题。根据TERMS & CONDITONS:下列“The holiday will begin on either 17th March, 14th April, 19th May, 6th October, 3rd November or 24th November 2024.( 假期将于2024年3月17日、4月14日、5月19日、10月6日、11月3日或11月24日开始。)”可知,旅行有六个启程日可供选择。故选B项。


推理判断题。根据标题Win a seven-night walking holiday for two people along(赢得双人七夜徒步旅行)和表格中最后一行“Then click here and put your chosen answer A, B or C on the entry form. (然后点击这里,在报名表上填上你选择的答案A、B或C。)”可知,这段文字来自在旅行社网站上。故选C项。


【答案】24. A 25. C 26. A 27. C




词句猜测题。根据倒数第二段“Each square was used for a specific vegetable and the plants were closely packed to make less space for weeds, which also accounted for its water and resource efficiency (效率). (每个方格都用于种植一种特定的蔬菜,植物被紧密排列以减少杂草的生长空间,这也说明了它的水和资源效率。)”以及划线词后文“a lot of tiring weeding (除草) and watering that went with it”可知,这种方法减少杂草的生长空间,增加了资源利用,即可以去除了许多繁琐的除草和浇水工作。故划线词意思是“去除”。故选A。


推理判断题。根据第二段“Using his engineering know-how, Bartholomew came up with a method of gardening that could be practiced in a tiny backyard or rooftop, and which required only 10 percent of the water of a row garden. (利用他的工程技术,巴塞洛缪想出了一种园艺方法,可以在一个小后院或屋顶上练习,只需要排花园10%的水。)”以及第三段“In order to maximize space, he began using raised beds, divided into a number of 12×12 inch squares, each square marked off with string or wood dividers. Each square was used for a specific vegetable and the plants were closely packed to make less space for weeds, which also accounted for its water and resource efficiency (效率). (为了最大限度地利用空间,他开始使用凸起的床,把床分成许多12×12英寸的正方形,每个正方形都用绳子或木隔板隔开。每个方格都用于种植一种特定的蔬菜,植物被紧密排列以减少杂草的生长空间,这也说明了它的水和资源效率。)”可知,梅尔·巴塞洛缪有创造力和机智。故选C。


推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“In order to maximize space, he began using raised beds, divided into a number of 12×12 inch squares, each square marked off with string or wood dividers. (为了最大限度地利用空间,他开始使用凸起的床,把床分成许多12×12英寸的正方形,每个正方形都用绳子或木隔板隔开。)”可知,SFG有助于节省空间。故选A。


主旨大意题。根据第一段“Humans have been growing food for about 12,000 years, but 50 years ago a civil engineer named Mel Bartholomew figured out a new way to do it that could eliminate a lot of tiring weeding (除草) and watering that went with it. (人类种植粮食已有12000年的历史,但50年前,一位名叫梅尔·巴塞洛缪的土木工程师想出了一种种植粮食的新方法,可以省去许多繁琐的除草和浇水工作。)”结合文章主要介绍了一位土木工程师想出了一种新的种植粮食方法,介绍了其优点以及局限性。可知,这篇文章的主要内容是一位工程师发明的园艺方法。故选C。


【答案】28. D 29. D 30. A 31. B




推理判断题。根据文章第一段“If we are to believe some of the upsetting headlines about Al, barely anyone’s job is safe. 32% of UK employees think AI could make their roles unnecessary, according to a research in 2023. Yet the same research found that 28% of workers believe AI could make their jobs easier.(如果我们相信一些关于人工智能的令人不安的头条新闻,那么几乎没有人的工作是安全的。根据2023年的一项研究,32%的英国员工认为人工智能可能会使他们的角色变得不必要。然而,同样的研究发现,28%的员工认为人工智能可以让他们的工作更轻松。)”可知,作者在第一段中通过列出具体的数字,如32%的英国员工认为人工智能可能会使他们的角色变得不必要、28%的员工认为人工智能可以让他们的工作更轻松,是为了展示不同人对AI的不同看法。故选D。


推理判断题。根据文章第二段“And so different industries are exploring it. International law firm Cleary Gottliebfor, for instance, uses GenAI to scan its databases and create a summary of its lawyers’ relevant experience before meetings with a new client (客户). However, the firm says that the document produced by the AI won’t be ready to send immediately.(所以不同的行业都在探索它。例如,国际律师事务所Cleary Gottliebfor使用GenAI扫描其数据库,并在与新客户会面之前创建其律师的相关经验摘要。然而,该公司表示,人工智能生成的文件不会立即准备好发送。)”可知,虽然该公司使用了AI工具来扫描数据库并生成律师的相关经验摘要,但这个由AI生成的文档不会立即准备好发送。这意味着在使用这个文档之前,还需要进行进一步的步骤或检查。因此,我们可以从这个例子中了解到,在使用AI生成的文档之前需要进一步的步骤。故选D。


主旨大意题。根据文章第三段“However, without carefully assessing (评估) its possible side effects beforehand, companies that adopt(采用)a new AI tool risk distancing employees or even making their lives more difficult.(然而,在没有事先仔细评估可能产生的副作用的情况下,企业采用新的人工智能工具可能会疏远员工,甚至使他们的生活变得更加困难。)”以及全段内容可知,本段主要讲述了AI的潜在风险,即如果不进行仔细评估,公司可能会面临员工疏远或生活困难的风险。接着,该段还提到了公司应该确定他们感兴趣的技术是否可能带来净效益,这也与评估AI的潜在风险有关。故选A。


推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Dylan Morley, lead principal engineer at Asos, reports that measuring the impact of such tools is a topic of “great discussion” across the industry. But he adds that this is a more complex matter than simply adopting a tool and waiting for, say, a 10% efficiency gain. She argues that firms could be focusing on areas such as managing time spent in meetings, other than adopting AI tools if improving efficiency is indeed their main goal.(Asos首席工程师Dylan Morley报告说,衡量这些工具的影响是整个行业“热烈讨论”的话题。但他补充说,这比简单地采用一种工具并等待效率提高10%要复杂得多。她认为,如果企业的主要目标确实是提高效率,那么它们可以把重点放在管理会议时间等领域,而不是采用人工智能工具。)”可知,Dylan Morley提到,如果提高效率确实是公司的主要目标,那么公司应该关注的领域不仅仅是采用AI工具,还可以是其他领域,比如管理会议时间。这暗示了AI并不是提高效率的唯一方法,公司有其他多种选择可以考虑。故选B。


【答案】32. D 33. D 34. B 35. C




推理判断题。根据文章第一段““Female elephants of different family groups might have strong social bonds (纽带) with each other, forming what we call bond groups,” said Vesta Eleuteri of the University of Vienna, the lead writer of the study.(该研究的主要作者、维也纳大学的Vesta Eleuteri说:“不同家庭群体的母象可能彼此之间有很强的社会纽带,形成了我们所说的纽带群体。”)”可知,不同家庭群体的母象可能彼此之间有很强的社会纽带,形成了我们所说的纽带群体。故选D。


细节理解题。根据文章第二段“They actually show an understanding of what other elephants can see, using visual gestures when their partner is looking and touching gestures when they are not.(它们实际上表现出对其他大象所能看到的东西的理解,当它们的伴侣在看它们时,它们会用视觉手势,而当它们不在时,它们会用触摸手势。)”可知,大象会根据其他大象是否在看而使用视觉或触摸手势,这显示了它们对其他大象所见的意识。故选D。


推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Similar greeting behavior has been observed in various animals, which helps manage social situations by reducing tension or confirming social bonds. The study observed both female and male elephants in the reserve, with female greetings closely matching those of wild elephants, while male greetings appeared different.(在各种动物中都观察到类似的问候行为,这有助于通过减少紧张或巩固社会关系来管理社会状况。该研究观察了保护区内的雌象和雄象,雌象的问候与野象的问候非常接近,而雄象的问候则有所不同。)”可知,研究主要是通过观察保护区内的雌象和雄象,并比较了不同性别之间的问候方式。故选B。


主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“People greet each other in various ways, such as saying “hello” in different languages or through physical actions like shaking hands, giving hugs, or exchanging kisses. Similarly, elephants have various greetings, as revealed by a recent study conducted on African elephants in Zimbabwe’s Jafuta Reserve.(人们以各种方式互相问候,比如用不同的语言说“你好”,或者通过握手、拥抱或亲吻等肢体动作。同样,大象也有各种各样的问候,最近在津巴布韦贾夫塔保护区对非洲大象进行的一项研究表明。)”以及全文内容可知,文章主要研究和分析大象如何以及为何用特定方式进行问候,C项“探索大象的问候”适合做文章标题。故选C。


【答案】36. C 37. A 38. G 39. D 40. F




上文“Mother’s Day is an occasion to celebrate mothers.(母亲节是祝福母亲的节日。)”说明母亲节要祝福母亲,选项C“然而,我们很少听说祝福妈妈的好处。”转折上文语义,引出下文“Based on my research and those of other psychologists, here are some tips for celebrating moms on Mother’s Day, and every day, to enhance(增强) well-being for both moms and their loved ones. (根据我和其他心理学家的研究,这里有一些在母亲节和每天祝福妈妈的建议,以增强妈妈和她们所爱的人的幸福。)”介绍文章主题,为祝福妈妈给出一些建议。故选C项。


下文“Psychology research suggests that Mother’s Day cards have it right —building a mother’s confidence by telling them that they’re amazing or that they always know how to make the family feel better can be greatly effective in enhancing moms’ happiness.(心理学研究表明,母亲节贺卡是正确的——通过告诉母亲她们很了不起,或者她们总是知道如何让家人感觉更好,来建立母亲的信心,这对提高妈妈的幸福感非常有效。)”介绍了提高妈妈幸福感的具体措施,选项A“那么,家庭该怎么做才能提高妈妈们的幸福感呢?”提出怎样提高妈妈的幸福感的问题。选项中enhance moms’ happiness和下文中词汇重叠,语义一致,故选A项。


下文“Compared to fathers, mothers generally report feeling more emotionally connected to their kids and more strongly identifying as a parent. A phone call with their kids can really improve a mom’s well-being. (与父亲相比,母亲通常会感觉与孩子的情感联系更紧密,更认同自己是父母。和孩子打个电话真的能提高妈妈的幸福感。)”说明打电话能提高妈妈的幸福感,选项G“如果你是一个离父母很远的成年人,别忘了给妈妈打电话。”建议给妈妈打电话。故选G项。


下文“For example, my research has found that moms who are less stressed are seen by their adolescent kids as being better at understanding the kids’ ideas. When mothers feel positive, they have better communication with their kids and their kids feel better. (例如,我的研究发现,在青春期的孩子看来,压力较小的妈妈更能理解孩子的想法。当母亲感到积极乐观时,她们与孩子的沟通会更好,孩子也会感觉更好。)”说明积极乐观的母亲能够更好地和孩子建立联系并让孩子更加身心健康,选项D“积极乐观的父母能增强孩子的心理健康和社会联系。” 引领下文,概括说明积极乐观的父母培养积极乐观的孩子。故选D项。


上文“Mothers are the main source of comfort and care for families around the world, yet it’s easy to take them for granted(想当然认为) most days across the year.(母亲是世界各地家庭舒适和关怀的主要来源,然而在一年中的大部分时间里,我们很容易把她们视为理所当然。)”说明现实中母亲付出很多,然而节日之外大部分时间被忽视,选项F“虽然母亲节的鲜花很受欢迎,但让我们每天都为妈妈们祝福。”承接上文,说明除了母亲节,我们应该每天都祝福妈妈。故选F项。


【答案】21. C 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. D 26. A 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. C 31. D 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. C


【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍Rachel有一个特别的生日愿望,梦想着为“慈善之水”(Charity: Water)筹集300美元,后来意外事故她去世了,但是她的生日愿望传遍了整个世界,人们为了纪念她,纷纷为“慈善之水”捐款的故事,告诉我们任何人都可以做出很大的改变,不管贡献有多小。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:她有一个特别的生日愿望。A. party派对;B. gift礼物;C. wish愿望;D. surprise惊讶。根据下文“Instead of asking for presents, she dreamed of ____22____ $300 for “Charity: Water,””可知,梦想给一个慈善组织集资,这是她的生日愿望,故选C。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:她没有要求礼物,而是梦想着为“慈善之水”(Charity: Water)筹集300美元,这是一个帮助发展中国家的人们获得清洁水的组织。A. borrowing借;B. raising筹集;C. having有;D. earning赚,挣得。根据下文“$300 for “Charity: Water,””可知,此处表示为慈善组织筹集资金,故选B。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:Rachel设法从她的家人和朋友那里筹集了220美元,但她离目标还有一点距离。A. managed设法做到;B. planned计划;C. decided决定;D. needed需要。根据下文“to collect $220 from her family and friends, but she fell a bit short of”可知,Rachel设法筹集了220美元,故选A。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. chances机会;B. resources资源;C. experience经验;D. goal目标。根据上文“she dreamed of ____22____ $300 for “Charity: Water,” a group that helps bring clean water to people in developing countries”和“to collect $220 from her family and friends”可知,她已经筹集到了220美元,所以离300美元的目标还差一点,故选D。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:她向她妈妈承诺明年再试一次。A. suggestion建议;B. request需求;C. apology道歉;D. promise诺言。根据下文“that she would try again next year”可知,这是她向她妈妈做出的承诺,故选D。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,在2011年7月20日,Rachel与她的妈妈和妹妹发生了一场车祸。A. caught(使)遭遇;B. frightened使惊恐;C. seen看见;D. included包括。根据下文“in a car accident”可知,Rachel遭遇车祸,故选A。


考查连词词义辨析。句意:虽然她的家人只受了轻伤,但Rachel伤势严重,被紧急送往医院。A. While虽然;B. After在……之后;C. Once一旦;D. Since既然。根据下文“her family only suffered minor injuries, Rachel was badly hurt and was ____28____ to the hospital.”可知,虽然家人只受了轻伤,但Rachel伤势严重,故选A。


考查动词词义辨析。 句意:同上。A. guided指导;B. moved移动;C. rushed急忙;D. introduced介绍。根据上文“Rachel was badly hurt”以及常识可知,Rachel伤的很重,所以被紧急送往医院,故选C。


考查形容词词义辨析。 句意:三天后,她的家人不得不做出艰难的决定,取消她的生命维持系统。A. quick迅速的;B. tough艰难的;C. wise明智的;D. correct正确的。根据下文“decision to take her off life support”可知,对于她的家人这是一个艰难的决定,故选B。


考查动词词义辨析。 句意:Rachel去世后,她的生日愿望传遍了全世界。A. unfolded展开;B. came来;C. spread传遍;D. appeared出现。根据下文“People started donating to “Charity: Water” in her ____31____, and the contributions poured in.”可知,她的生日愿望,也就是为慈善组织筹集资金的消息传遍了世界,故选C。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了纪念她,人们开始向“慈善之水”捐款,捐款源源不断。A. interest兴趣;B. favor赞成;C. power权利;D. honor尊敬。根据上文“People started donating to “Charity: Water””可知,人们纷纷捐款是为了纪念Rachel,帮她圆生日愿望,in one’s honor意为“为了纪念”,故选D。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:Rachel的心脏被捐赠给了加州的一名男子,他也支持她的目标。A. approach方法;B. cause目标;C. opinion观点;D. experiment实验。根据上文“who also supported her”可知,这名男子支持她的生日愿望,为慈善组织筹集资金的目标,故选B。


考查动词词义辨析。 句意:为了延续Rachel的遗产,她的家人创办了一个名为瑞恩的井基金会的非营利组织,致力于传播给予和帮助他人的意识。A. continue继续;B. protect保护;C. get得到;D. keep保持。根据下文“her family started a nonprofit called Rachel’s Wishing Well Foundation, ____34____ to spreading awareness about giving and helping others.”可知,她的家人创办了瑞恩的井基金会这一非营利组织,是为了传播帮助别人的意识,所以是延续了Rachel的生日愿望,故选A。


考查动词词义辨析。 句意:同上。A. addicted使沉迷;B. limited限制;C. used使用;D. devoted奉献。根据上文“her family started a nonprofit called Rachel’s Wishing Well Foundation”可知,她的家人创办了一个名为瑞恩的井基金会的非营利组织,所以应该是致力于传播给予和帮助他人的意识,devote to“致力于”,故选D。


考查动词词义辨析。 句意:任何人都可以做出很大的改变,不管贡献有多小。A. change变化;B. mark成绩;C. difference差异;D. leap跳跃。根据下文“no matter how small the contribution”可知,前后是让步关系,所以应是任何人都可以做出改变,make a difference,意为“有作用或影响”,故选C。


【答案】36. has been leaving

37. preference

38. slower

39. to

40. activities

41. Additionally

42. beginning

43. it

44. who/that

45. to explore




考查时态。句意:近年来,Z世代开始迁往乡村。这里为本句谓语动词,根据时间状语“In recent years”可知,本句时态为现在完成进行时,表示从过去到现在一直迁往乡村,并有可能继续持续下去;主语为“Generation Z”,单数,和动词“leave”之间为主动关系。故填has been leaving。




考查形容词比较级。句意:许多年轻人通过搬到乡村地区来寻求一种更慢的生活节奏和与自然的更紧密联系。根据下文“a closer connection”可推测,空处为形容词比较级形式。故填slower。


考查介词。句意:其次,人们有更多的机会接触自然和户外活动,如徒步旅行、露营和钓鱼,这些活动能促进身体健康,并加深与环境的联系。这里为名词“access”后的介词搭配,用介词“to”,构成短语:access to,意为“接触……”,符合句意。故填to。


考查名词的数。句意:其次,人们有更多的机会接触自然和户外活动,如徒步旅行、露营和钓鱼,这些活动能促进身体健康,并加深与环境的联系。根据空后的“such as hiking, camping and fishing”以及从句谓语动词“promote”可知,空处为名词的复数形式,表示不止一个活动。故填activities。






考查代词。句意:此外,社交媒体使人们更容易展示他们的乡村生活方式,并与有类似兴趣的人建立联系,这增强了一种归属感,并鼓励他们探索乡村的美丽。代词担当形式宾语,代指真正的宾语“to show their rural lifestyles and connect with others”,用it。故填it。




考查非谓语动词。句意:此外,社交媒体使人们更容易展示他们的乡村生活方式,并与有类似兴趣的人建立联系,这增强了一种归属感,并鼓励他们探索乡村的美丽。非谓语动词担当动词“encourage”的宾语补足语,用动词不定式形式,构成短语:encourage sb. to do sth.,意为“鼓励某人做某事”,符合句意。故填to explore。

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)


46. Traveling offers a wide range of experiences, from visiting historical sites to tasting local food.


【详解】考查短语和时态。主语为traveling;表示“提供”应用动词offer;表示“广泛的体验”翻译为a wide range of experiences;表示“从……到……”短语为from…to…;表示“参观历史遗址”短语为visiting historical sites;表示“品尝当地美食”短语为tasting local food,为动名词作宾语。为一般现在时。故翻译为Traveling offers a wide range of experiences, from visiting historical sites to tasting local food.

47. The teacher used a series of examples to illustrate the grammar rule, strengthening our understanding.


【详解】考查句子结构、名词、动词等。根据句意可知,本句描述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时表示“老师用了一系列例子”为the teacher used a series of examples,是主谓宾句型,a series of“一系列”是固定短语;用动词不定式短语表示“来阐明这条语法规则”为to illustrate the grammar rule,作目的状语;用现在分词短语表示“增强了我们的理解”为strengthening our understanding,动词strengthen和主语之间是主动关系,现在分词作状语,表示结果。句首字母大写,故翻译为The teacher used a series of examples to illustrate the grammar rule, strengthening our understanding.

48. The athlete’s approach to maintaining top form includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and enough rest.


【详解】考查短语、时态和非谓语动词。“运动员”翻译为athlete;“……的方法”用短语approach to,to为介词,后接动名词形式;“保持最佳状态”翻译为maintain top form;“包括”用动词form;“均衡饮食”翻译为 balanced diet;“规律锻炼”翻译为 regular exercise;“充足休息”翻译为enough rest。陈述客观事实,用一般现在时。主语是The athlete’s approach,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故翻译为The athlete’s approach to maintaining top form includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and enough rest.

49. The university awards scholarships to students who achieve outstanding grades and contribute to the community.


【详解】考查时态,短语和定语从句。本句描述一般事实,用一般现在时,主语这所大学,译为“The university”,award sth. to sb.译为“授予某人某物”,奖学金译为“scholarships”,学生译为“students”,“成绩优异并为社区作出贡献的”修饰“学生”作定语,用who连接定语从句,成绩优异译为“achieve outstanding grades”,为社区作出贡献译为“contribute to the community”,and连接从句中并列的谓语动词,先行词students 是复数,动词使用原形。故翻译为The university awards scholarships to students who achieve outstanding grades and contribute to the community.

50. The store offers discounts during the Spring Festival so as to attract more customers.


【详解】考查短语、时态和目的状语。“这家商店”翻译为the store,在句中作主语;“提供折扣”翻译为offer discounts;“在春节期间”翻译为during the Spring Festival;“为了,以……”用短语so as to,后接目的状语。“吸引更多顾客”翻译为attract more customers。陈述客观事实,用一般现在时。主语是The store,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故翻译为The store offers discounts during the Spring Festival so as to attract more customers.


Clear Sight, Bright Future

Sight is undeniably crucial for everyone. It enables us to navigate the world, appreciate its beauty, and engage in various activities. Whether reading books, watching movies, or simply enjoying vibrant colors, good sight enhances our life quality. To safeguard our precious gift, we should reduce excessive screen time and take frequent breaks to rest our eyes, which helps prevent eye strain and potential damage caused by digital devices. Additionally, keeping a balanced diet rich in vitamins can contribute to maintaining good eye health. Let’s embrace a bright future, where everyone can enjoy the beauty and wonders clear sight offers.




至关重要的:crucial→ vital

欣赏:appreciate→ admire

参与:engage in→ participate in

各种各样的:various→ a variety of



原句:Sight is undeniably crucial for everyone. It enables us to navigate the world, appreciate its beauty, and engage in various activities.

拓展句:Sight is undeniably crucial for everyone, which enables us to navigate the world, appreciate its beauty, and engage in various activities.

【点睛】【高分句型1】To safeguard our precious gift, we should reduce excessive screen time and take frequent breaks to rest our eyes, which helps prevent eye strain and potential damage caused by digital devices.(运用了不定式To safeguard作状语、which引导的非限制性定语从句)

【高分句型2】Additionally, keeping a balanced diet rich in vitamins can contribute to maintaining good eye health.(运用了动名词keeping作主语、动名词maintaining作宾语)












期末考真的要来了!这几年的高一英语试题都挺注重 阅读理解 和 听力,我觉得个人还是需要多练习这些。大家有没有好的复习资料可以推荐呢?









对于英语这种学科来说,坚持练习很重要,尤其是 阅读理解 和 写作。我之前参加过一些模拟考试,感觉自己进步很多了。期末考试一定能取得好成绩!









































